Changer la couleur d’un lien en HTML : Un guide complet

Comment changer la couleur d’un lien en HTML ?
Couleur des liens en utilisant des codes de couleurs Hex

Dans votre balise d’ancrage HTML (<a>), après l’attribut href, insérer un attribut de style avec la propriété de couleur mis à votre code Hex de la couleur (dans notre cas #FF0000).

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HTML or Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language that is used for creating web pages. One of the most basic elements of HTML is the link. Links are clickable elements that allow users to navigate within a website or to other websites. In HTML, links are created using the tag. By default, the color of a link is blue with an underline. However, you can change the color of a link to match the design of your website. Here’s how to do it.

To change the color of a link in HTML, you need to use CSS or Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is a language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML. Here’s an example of how to change the color of a link in CSS:

a {

color: red;


In this example, we’re using the CSS selector « a » to target all links on the page. We’re then setting the color property to « red ». You can change « red » to any other color that you want.

Customizing a link is not limited to changing its color. You can also change its text decoration, font size, and font family. Here’s an example of how to customize a link:

a {

color: blue;

text-decoration: none;

font-size: 16px;

font-family: Arial, sans-serif;


In this example, we’re setting the color of the link to blue, removing the underline using the text-decoration property, setting the font size to 16 pixels, and setting the font family to Arial or any sans-serif font.

Creating a link from a PDF document is also possible. To do this, you need to create a URL link for the PDF document. Here’s how to do it:

1. Upload the PDF document to your website.

2. Copy the URL of the PDF document.

3. Create a link using the tag and set the href attribute to the URL of the PDF document.

Here’s an example of how to create a URL link for a PDF document:

Download the PDF document

If you want to change a text into a picture link or a « pix link », you need to use an tag instead of the tag. Here’s an example of how to do it:

Your alt text

In this example, we’re using an tag to display an image. We’re then wrapping it with an tag to create a link. The href attribute is set to the URL of your website.

Finally, if you want to have your own URL, you need to register a domain name and hosting service. A domain name is the address of your website, while a hosting service is where your website files are stored. Once you have both, you can create your website using HTML, CSS, and other web technologies.

In conclusion, changing the color of a link in HTML is easy using CSS. You can also customize a link by changing its text decoration, font size, and font family. Creating a link from a PDF document requires creating a URL link for the document. To change a text into a pix link, use an tag instead of the tag. Finally, having your own URL requires registering a domain name and hosting service.

You can also ask how to get a url address?

To get a URL address, you can either copy it from your browser’s address bar or right-click on a link and select « Copy link address » or « Copy link location » (depending on your browser).

How to make an automatic redirection page?

To create an automatic redirection page in HTML, you can use the « meta refresh » tag in the head section of your HTML document. Here’s an example code:

« `

You will be redirected to in 5 seconds.

« `

In this code, the « meta refresh » tag is used to redirect the page to after a delay of 5 seconds. Vous pouvez modifier la valeur de l’attribut « content » pour définir un délai différent.

Notez que les pages de redirection automatique peuvent être gênantes pour les utilisateurs, alors utilisez-les avec parcimonie et assurez-vous de fournir un message clair aux utilisateurs à propos de la redirection.

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