Comment Savoir Si Le Destinataire a Lu Mon Message ? Checking Message Read Confirmation in iPhone

To determine if your message has been read, an internet connection is necessary. Activate Wi-Fi and/or mobile data. In the "Chat features" settings on your phone, enable the "Send read receipts" option. Whether you are using Android, Apple, or an app like WhatsApp, you can receive a read confirmation.

How to Check Read Status in iPhone Messages

In an iPhone conversation, tap the arrow at the top, select "info," and check if "Send Read Receipts" is enabled. This depends on whether your contact has enabled "Read Receipts."

Troubleshooting Lack of Read Confirmation in iMessage

Go to Settings > Messages to enable "Send Read Receipts." If enabled, your contacts will know if you have read their messages. Bugs may occur; restarting the iPhone may temporarily resolve the issue.

Reasons for Read Confirmation Failure

Not receiving a read confirmation does not mean your message wasn’t read. It simply indicates that the request was not fulfilled.

Enabling Delivery Acknowledgment

In an open message, tap on Options, then in Tracking, select "Request read receipt" or "Request delivery receipt." You will receive a notification in your inbox.

Understanding Read Confirmation

A read confirmation indicates that your message has been opened. The recipient may choose not to send read confirmations.

Difference Between Blue and Green SMS

When a message switches from blue to green, it means the recipient is using a device other than an iPhone, likely an Android, transferring the conversation to green SMS/MMS mode. iMessages are blue for iPhone users, while the switch to green indicates a standard SMS/MMS.

Impact of Deleting a Message on the Recipient

Once sent, it is impossible to delete a message from the recipient’s phone. The only solution is to delete it before final sending.

Managing Message Read Status in iMessage

Navigate to Edit, then Select messages in the Messages app. Choose the desired messages and tap "Mark as read."