Comment Activer Le Correcteur D’orthographe Sur Word 2013 ? How to Activate Spelling Check in Word

To activate the spelling checker, click on File > Options > Proofing, check the Check spelling as you type box, then click OK. Repeat the process to disable it by unchecking the box.

If Word is not underlining mistakes, make sure that the spelling and grammar check option is enabled. To start a check, press F7. Note that this feature might not be available in Access, Excel, or Project unless manually initiated by pressing F7.

If your document’s spelling is not being checked, check if the Do not check spelling or grammar box is unchecked and activate the correct language in Office settings.

To enable or disable spell check in Chrome for the text entered on web pages, go to Spelling and Grammar Checker. Choose between the basic or enhanced checker based on your needs, and keep in mind that corrections vary depending on the operating system.

If your keyboard autocorrect is not working, verify in Word’s autocorrect preferences that Automatically correct spelling and formatting as you type and Automatically use suggestions from the spelling checker options are selected.

The spell check may fail if the selected language is incorrect or if the Do not check spelling or grammar option is enabled. Ensure to deactivate this option for proper functionality.

Click on Review, then on Show for revisions. Choose between Simple Markup or All Markup for revision visibility. Utilize Track Changes to enable or disable tracking.

If a word is underlined in red, it indicates that you have enabled change tracking or that the spelling is unknown for the default language. Disable automatic check under Tools > AutoCorrect or adjust the language via Tools > Language if needed.